Free German Test

To get my dopamine fix, I launched a new website last week! Free German Test helps test your spoken German -

But it was not only to get dopamine. I built it partially to scratch the side-project itch and partially as an accompaniment to Deutsch Gym

It is simple - you are presented with 2 questions that you need to answer. Record your spoken German for 90-seconds answering them and submit it. Within 24 hours a German teacher will review your recording and send you your estimated CEFR level (A1-C2) as well as tips on how to improve. 

Who would use it? If you: 

  • are curious about your German level 
  • are going to do a Telc, TestDaF, or Goethe Exam 
  • are going to do your Citizenship Test
  • want to get feedback from a teacher on where your weak points are

then you may be interested in it. It's free as well.

If you speak any German, try it out!